Akbar Adi


Data Enthusiast || TensorFlow Developer Certified

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Selected Projects in Data Science & Machine Learning

FIFA 21 Data Cleansing & EDA (PYTHON)

FIFA 21 is an association football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts (EA), the game features more than 30 official leagues, over 700 clubs, and over 17,000 players. In this project, I did data cleaning, data transformation, data visualization, and exploratory data analysis to see features correlataion and distribution. Most of the work on this project uses Pandas and Seaborn library in Python.

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Coffee Orders Dashboard (EXCEL)

Most function in this project were INDEX, VLOOKUP, and conditional statement in Microsoft Excel. Then, I did EDA by making pivot tables from the data. Last, I made Sales Dashboard which include: total sales overtime, sales by country, top 5 customers. The total sales overtime can be categorized by Roast Type, Size, and Loyalty Card ownership.

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Credit Scoring Home Credit (PYTHON)

Crunching data with 307K+ rows & 122 columns and build multiple ML models to predict customers’ loan payment capabilities. Steps in this project involve Exploratory Data Analysis for getting insights and giving recommendations, Data Cleansing (missing, invalid data, and outliers), Data Preprocessing (PCA and handling imbalanced data), Build ML models (binary classification), and Model Evaluation.

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Fruit Classification (CNN-TensorFlow)

Classify images to 12 types of fruits using CNN (TensorFlow) and deploy the model using TFLite to Android.

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